clerical machine câu
I audited background investigations of Department of Justice clerical applicants.Tôi xin vào làm ở phòng điều tra nhưng bị giáng xuống ...

a clerical error
Probably a clerical error, or it just wasn't on there.Có lẽ là lỗi giấy tờ thôi, mà cũng có thể họ không ghi ra. Perhaps there was a c...

clerical costs
All executive, organizational, and clerical costs associated with the general management of an organization rather than with manufactur...

clerical dress
Cassock or clerical dress for priests and monsignors.Áo « soutane » hay áo « clergyman » đối với các linh mục và các Đức Ông. Clerical...

clerical error
Probably a clerical error, or it just wasn't on there.Có lẽ là lỗi giấy tờ thôi, mà cũng có thể họ không ghi ra. Perhaps there was a c...

clerical job
Soon after, Adaline moved back to San Francisco and took a clerical job at the School of Medicine.Ngay sau đó, Adeline chuyển về San Fr...

clerical office
Working women were sales clerks or clerical office workers.Nhân viên văn phòng là OFFICE WORKER hay CLERICAL STAFF. I was prompted to ...

clerical personnel
However, this does not include managerial or clerical personnel unless these individuals are covering special events that will last for...

clerical script
Main article: Clerical scriptPhông chữ: Clerical Script Main article: Clerical scriptPhông chữ: Clerical Script

clerical staff
Working women were sales clerks or clerical office workers.Nhân viên văn phòng là OFFICE WORKER hay CLERICAL STAFF. For the first 500 s...

clerical work
Like secretaries or personal assistants, they conduct clerical work.Giống như thư ký hoặc trợ lý cá nhân, họ tiến hành công tác văn thư...

But, Pheebs, you could still use the copy machine where I actually work.Cậu vẫn có thể dùng máy copy ở nơi tớ thực sự làm. Why don't y...

a part of a machine
information in a part of a machinechi tiết máy a part of a machine information in a part of a machinechi tiết máy a part of a machine ...

a refrigerating machine
John Gorrie invents a refrigerating machine.John Gorrie được cấp bằng sáng chế “máy làm lạnh” The history of artificial refrigeration ...

abstract machine
The abstract machine in C++11 is multi-threaded by design.Máy trừu tượng trong C ++ 11 là đa luồng theo thiết kế. This Prolog machine ...

ac machine
UEENEEG006A Solve problems in single and three phase low voltage machines19 UEENEEG006A Solve problems in single ans 3 phase AC machines...

accelerating machine
The problem was, Azure executives didn’t care about accelerating machine learning.Vấn đề ở chỗ, các lãnh đạo của Azure chẳng hề quan tâ...

accounting machine
In the early 1930s, IBM developed the first modern accounting machine, which was designed for banks.Vào đầu thập niên 1930, IBM phát tr...

adding machine
What'd he do, hit him over the head with an adding machine?Hắn làm thế nào, dùng máy cộng đập vào đầu nó à? I think I just sat on your...

adhesive machine
A large number of practical applications show that the same hot melt adhesive machine, using low temperature hot melt adhesive, can sav...

analog machine
It took us only about a year to decide that an analog machine of that complexity could do no more than solve its own internal idiosyncr...

answering machine
Why don't you just put that on your answering machine?Sao anh không cho câu đó vào máy trả lời tự động hả? Those messages you left on ...

automatic machine
It has PVC powder covering that is processed by an automatic machine.Nó có lớp phủ bột PVC được xử lý bằng máy tự động. Automation: Th...

bagging machine
In small and medium plants, bagging can be carried out manually but for higher production it is batter to go for electronic bagging mac...

balancing machine
But for most people, the balancing machine is still a strange object.Với hầu hết khách tham quan thì nẹp trát vữa vẫn còn là vật liệu k...